
Week 4 90 Day Marketing Plan

Begin with the end in mind.

Benjamin Franklin

In the past three weeks in our Mindful Growth Planning Month, you have done your groundwork. You’ve defined your specific target market, you know what your superpowers are, and you’ve clarified your core message. This week we are going to create your 90 Day Marketing Plan.

90 Day Marketing Plan Benefits:

  • You can use it to track short term progress.
  • It enables a more agile response (you can tweak it if something’s not working without affecting your annual plan).
  • You can chunk your 90-day plan into 30-day segments to create an action plan. Learn (day 1-30), Assess (day 31-60), and Prioritise (day 61-90).
  • Smaller time blocks enable you to stay in tune with market demand without detouring from your master goal.

You can do this straight away at the beginning of next month for the next three months and do the same again every three months to keep checking where you are and tweak your plan as needed without affecting your master goal.

Here’s this week’s Daily Prompts:

Day 1: Set Objectives.

Your objectives for your 90 Day Marketing plan are to Observe, Analyse, Execute, and Measure. And then repeat every 90 days. Bottom line:

  • Days 1-30 are all about developing a thorough understanding of the current state of marketing within your dance school and beginning planning to improve that state.
  • Days 31-60 are when you can begin generating tactical support for your initial plan, including budgeting.
  • Day 61-90 are when you’ll want to solidify support for your plan, getting the official “go-ahead” from all parties involved, and then put it into action. 

Today’s task is to make space in your calendar for the three segments of the 90 day plan (Learn, Assess, and Prioritise)

Day 2: 30 Days: Learn.

Use the first 30 days to learn as much as you can. Observe and understand the business and people. The goal here is to accelerate the learning process to make effective contribution faster. Then list out action steps to achieve that goal. For example:

  • Interview 5 students
  • Complete one business training
  • Read 5 pieces about SEO
  • Research for 5 ideas to increase revenue

Adjust these bullet points to your own situation. Keep them structured as tasks and try to be as specific as possible. It’s important to keep your goals measurable so you can keep tabs on your progress and make sure you stick to it.

Today’s task is to allocate time in your calendar for when you want to do these actions in this Learning phase.

Day 3: 60 Days: Assess.

In the second 30 days you want to analyse information and form a plan. The goal here is to identify opportunities for short term and long term improvement to develop a more detailed strategy. Example of your list of action steps:

  • Audit team strengths/weaknesses
  • Assess 3 key processes/systems
  • Assess 3 marketing efforts
  • Assess your current offers

Adjust these bullet points to your own situation. Keep them structured as tasks and try to be as specific as possible. It’s important to keep your goals measurable so you can keep tabs on your progress and make sure you stick to it.

Today’s talk is to allocate time in your calendar for when you want to do these actions to create a Big Picture Strategy.

Day 4: 90 Days: Prioritise.

In the last 30 days you want to execute the plan and measure the results. The goal here is to focus on making at least one change that will have a major impact on performance. Your list of action steps for example:

  • Create the change plan
  • Involve team members in the plan
  • Establish KPIs (key performance indicators) for success so you can measure it
  • Communicate and launch

Adjust these bullet points to your own situation. Keep them structured as tasks and try to be as specific as possible. It’s important to keep your goals measurable so you can keep tabs on your progress and make sure you stick to it.

Today’s task is to allocate time in your calendar for when you want to put your Strategy into Action.

Day 5: Plan.

Write down your 90 Day Plan on a single spreadsheet for you to use as a quick reference. For example:

Now that you have your 90 Day Marketing Plan ready, you’re all set to take some actions starting from the beginning of the month. Try your best to stick to your plan and only tweak it when you feel it’s necessary. When you set specific goals and action steps, you will then be able to measure their success later on.